Supporting children with a disability

Supporting children & young people who have a learning disability and / or autism to get the right care, at the right time, and in the right place.

Bedfordshire Luton and Milton Keynes Integrated Care Board (BLMK ICB) are committed to supporting children, young people, and their families, who have a learning disability and/or autism. The Dynamic Support Register (DSR) and Care Education Treatment Reviews (CETRs) are tools designed in line with NHS National and Local arrangements for Transforming Care. These enable teams of practitioners across all service areas to early identify children and young people with learning disabilities (LD) and/or autism (ASD) who are at risk of being admitted to a mental health hospital (Tier 4) to offer dynamic support.  


The DSR and CETRs are essential elements of the pathway to provide appropriate support and care at the right time, so that children and young people can lead the typical lives they want to; achieve their ambitions and aspirations in life and stay safely and healthily at home or in other community settings.


Why should you be added to the Dynamic Support Register (DSR)?


The Dynamic Support Register (DSR) is used to enable children and young people who have been identified as at risk, to receive specific and timely support that is personalised to meet their needs and aimed to prevent an avoidable hospital admission.


In working together with children/young people and their families and multiagency professionals involved in their care, BLMK ICB can better understand and overcome systems barriers to enable children and young people who would otherwise be at risk of admission, to remain safely supported at home or within their community setting. The DSR also identifies children and young people who are currently experiencing in-patient admission, enabling them early and robust discharge planning and transition back home or to their community residence.


Children and young people with a learning disability and/or autism who should be added to the DSR register include if they:

·       Are currently placed within a mental health hospital setting

·       Have had a previous mental health hospital stay

·       Are residing within 52-week social care or educational placement

·       Are / or were involved with the youth or criminal justice system

·       Are in receipt of services from youth offending teams (YOT)

·       Are referred for or accessing specialised services for challenging behaviour (e.g.,

intensive support services, specialist short breaks, special schools, residential care and supported living)

·       Are subject to provisions of the Mental Health Act and / or Deprivation of Liberty safeguards.


Each person on the DSR is given a RED, AMBER, or GREEN rating dependent upon how high their risk of admission is. A BLUE rating additionally identifies those children and young people currently placed within a mental health inpatient service.


Why should you have a Care Education Treatment Review (CETR)?


Children and young people who are being considered for a mental health hospital admission (Tier 4) and need extra support in safely avoiding this, have the right to a Care, Education, Treatment Review (CETR). The CETR makes sure that local services (e.g., Child Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS), social care, Special Educational Needs (SEN) Team and school or college etc.) work collaboratively with the child or young person and their family to address and resolve barriers to enabling them to safely remain within the community setting (or to keep necessary children or young people inpatient stays as short as safely possible), by being creative and effective with the use of partnered resource.


If the child/young person is over 18, this will be called a Care Treatment Review (CTR).


How do you request to be on the DSR or have a CETR?


A child or young person with autism and/or learning disabilities or their parents/carers (on their behalf), can request consideration to be added to the DSR and have a CETR. The examples listed above are not exhaustive and further guidance around when and how to make a referral can be provided by professionals involved in their care, or by contacting the BLMK ICB Integrated and Personalised Care Team on:

Professionals working with the child or young person can also make the referral with their/ their parent / carer (as appropriate) consent.


Find out more about the DSR and CETRs: