Citizens Advice - Central Bedfordshire


Ampthill Office 10 Bedford Street, Ampthill MK45 2NB / Biggleswade Office Century House, Market Square, Biggleswade SG18 8UU

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Telephone number

01767 601 368 ​or ​01525 402 742

 Monday 10.00 am – 2.30 pm
 Tuesday 10.00 am – 2.30 pm
 Wednesday 10.00 am – 2.30 pm
 Thursday 10.00 am – 2.30 pm
 Friday Closed

If there is nobody available to take your call, please leave a voicemail including your name, number and whether we can leave you a voicemail. It would also help us to contact you if you left an email address and postcode. We aim to respond to voicemails within a week but this may not be possible. If your enquiry is urgent (for example, if you need a food parcel), please make this clear and explain why.

About us

We work with you to find out more about your problem, give you information, explain your options and identify what further action can be taken. We can also help you with filling in forms, drafting letters and contacting third parties on your behalf.

We can work with you to sort out your debt problems and help identify and support you with welfare rights benefits you may be entitled to. We can advise on housing and employment problems, or deal with queries about consumer or tax issues. We can advise on legal matters, answer basic questions about immigration, and we have lots of experience on family and personal matters too.